Khehla Art:

Khehla Art is an African-inspired
art/craft/decor product which is completely handmade
and hand-painted. The basis of the technique is
derived from traditional African paste-resist
fabrics, such as the well-known 'Kikuyu Cloth',
where a paste design is drawn on the cloth to
mask the outline before the paints are applied. The
resist is then washed off to leave a white outline.
We have developed a technique in
which the paste remains on the cloth, to form a
raised, black outline, rather like the leaded line
in stained glass work. The outline is resin-based,
and doesn't come off the cloth. The designs are then
coloured in, using specially formulated fabric bases
and pigments. But our cloths differ in that we have
developed means to double-wash or even triple wash
the colours so that they aren't flat, but give a
warmer, swirled effect, something like strong watercolour
or gouache. White, silver and gold dots are then
applied to certain areas of the black outlines and
buttons to create a beaded effect, adding further
texture to the pieces.
A wide range of our designs can
be viewed at
www.zawadi.co.za, under the Khehla Art link. By
zooming in on the pictures, the raised outlines and
dotted bead decoration can be viewed close up.
